| Introduction | The Artist | The Editor | Rules | Contact Us | FAQ |


Well it is quite clear why you visited this page, well maybe not. I believe you are here to find out ways to contact us. Yes I said us, you should have heard that loud and clear. There are two of us who are in charge of this mess and they don't even have a proper name, so as I type this, I shall make up a name for us... Yes, we can be The Pandwitch Duo!
Well, I guess the only other reason you may be here is because you clicked the wrong link, then again, why are you reading this? Actually, why am I writing this? Well, now that we have addressed the two major issues of this page we shall stop here.

Oh, I forgot, there was actually a third major issue that was to be on this page which is apparently titled "Contact". First, we really need to deconstruct this word, co-on-ta-act. Skip that, who needs to know what the deconstruction of the word "contact" is anyway? Ok, finally to the point, I shall explain The Pandwitch Duo now so you actually know who to contact.

The Artist

The artist is the one who just happens to be writing this pathetic, messed up page, she actually knows what she is doing but she is just getting sidetract on the way, which if you haven't realized, explains the whole point of this sentence. She obviously draws the comics and looks after this site, using the much appreciated critisism given by the editor. She also helps to discuss the whole storyline. She occasionally writes the script but mainly you can see her fiddling with her coloured pencils or photoshop. There will/is more about her at the bottom of the cast page.

The Editor

Well, the editor basiaclly writes the script, not much else but she is a huge fan of reading online comics. According to me, she is always grumpy and I even wrote a really pathetic song about her being grumpy, but it just makes her more grumpy. Really, in truth, she is a very nice person who has been a great friend since we met. (now cut out all those "awwwwwws"). She currently doesn't want to be contacted individually. Well, more about her will be found out on the cast page. But is isn't there yet. And yes, she also draws, improving every picture.

Rules When Contacting Us

Well these were needed to hopefully make things a little easier for me and the editor to sort out all the emails we get (which ain't very many). And yes, that is what something so serious is doing on this page.
Introducing one of the greatest things man has invented..... The rules.

  1. Spam and chainmail will be automatically deleted.
  2. Make sure that when you title your email, it is clear. For example if you wish to ask a question, the email "Question". If the question is directed to the artist, title it "Question for Artist". Or email it to the artist's address.
  3. Please understand that we are two busy people and do not expect a reply with in a week. We most likely live in a different timezone to you as well.
  4. Yes, you can send us hatemail and criticism, just make sure it is polite. Just don't expect your hatemail to be responded at all. We do not want to have a fight.
  5. Don't expect a forever on going conversation with us.
  6. Please avoid chatspeak (eg- speking lyk dis) or 1337 (+h15). you never write essays like that, and we appreciate considerate people who can prove to us that they are respectable member of the community.
  7. If you are going to send an attachment, please don't, viruses mean no more Pandwitch for a while. Instead, upload you image to a host, and we will deal with it.

Contact Us

Well now for the bit that actually is important to this page. There are no spaces or capitals in the addresses. Just replace '(AT)' with '@' and '(DOT)' with '.'. (no quotation marks).
Main email address- pandwitch(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
Artist's Email- qwanli(AT)gmail(DOT)com
Editor's Email- She doesn't want it there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Well since no questions have been asked as of yet, this section shall remain empty until someone asks a question or two.

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